
Grouse Associates

Energy Audits

The first step in saving energy is knowing ‘what, when and how’ you’re using energy to start with. From there we can better understand how to improve your energy spend.



Once a strategy that suits you best is outlined, we help you execute. We become your owner rep to make sure your strategy is delivered on time and on budget.


Energy Strategies

We help owners and tenants look at their spaces as a whole to determine what would be the best way(s) to save energy and money. We can look at it all, HVAC, lighting, envelope, solar and storage, and your cost per kWh. It all goes into a solution tailored to you and your facility. By looking at it all, we can help lower demand charges and move you towards a demand response where you can start to make money for your efforts.



We can bring a turn-key solution for all your efficiency needs. Get everything accomplished with one contract.


HVAC engineering

Our engineering is better. We spend more time getting to know you, your facility and how you operate it. With this knowledge, we can design systems that give you everything you need without the waste. We pride ourselves on simple solutions and right-sizing equipment. This provides maximum benefit and minimal impact.



One of the most cost-effective ways to improve efficiency and lower operation cost is by installing or optimizing the control system. We can also take it a step further and write sequences that shift loads and lower equipment sizing. This will further reduce demand charges and enable you to participate in Demand Response programs with confidence.


Retro Commissioning

Sometimes all you need is a little tweak. We don’t want to put in all new equipment if it’s not needed. Think circular economy and minimal impact. We don’t want to waste the equipment you already have if we don’t have to.


Project Financing

Be cash flow positive from day one. Turn your project from a Capital Expense into an Operating Expense. Let us help you save energy, improve efficiency, and advance the circular economy while improving your bottom line. We have many finance options and can tailor a solution to fit your need.